Date: 2010-11-21 06:02:14
The last time I updated my blog was in August…. I’ve really slacked off.
Things that have happened:
I took my mid-phase check-ride and hooked it. The big thing to remember going into your first check-ride at UPT is to make sure more than one person checks over your boldface.
Then they let me take the jet to the area solo. Twice. That was amazing! My arms were so tired from pulling G’s that by the end of the sortie, I was just flying around the MOA in a circle.
Six rides later I took my Contact check-ride. Pass.
Then I started the barrage that was Instruments and Formation. Doing both at the same time was pretty hard. After a schmillion instrument simulators, eight rides in the jet, and a six-leg cross-country trip to Colorado Springs, I took my I-Check. Pass.
Now I’m on the last block of Formation. More updates to come on phase three.