Date: 2010-04-19 00:31:58
In the last 3 days, I drove 1300 miles from Columbus to Pueblo CO. Why? Well, I have to start Initial Flight Screening tomorrow is the reason I'm here, but the reason I drove was because I'm going to make $1600 off the trip (as opposed to the paltry $300 if I flew). On top of the money, it was a pleasant drive.
Phew… IFS starts tomorrow! I'm not really worried about failing, but there's always that possibility. We had a commanders call last week and 30 minutes was dedicated to how the Air Force is “force shaping” and they are starting with people who fail their IST (Initial Skills Training). Gulp! That adds to the pressure for sure. But, Like I said, I have confidence that I will do well.
I started getting ready for IFS the first week I got to Columbus by memorizing the operation limits of the DA-20. I had them down cold too. Too bad that was a million years ago and I had to spend the last couple of days relearning them.
I was scheduled to start IFS May 10th… I just so happened to be checking my records online one day last week and discovered that, magically, my dates had changed! I did a double take when I looked at the screen! So, after that, I rushed myself through the IFS pre-checklist: I went to the medical group and got paperwork, to the Individual Equipment shop and received 3 flight suits, a jacket, and some boots (along with some other smaller things), and I fought with the transition office to get my orders.
Tomorrow, we only in-process. Then the ball starts rolling Tuesday with 12 hour days, a PT test, and academic tests. I'll update the blog next monday when I have a second to breath!