Blue Thunder

Blue Thunder

Date: 2010-01-16 16:52:08

Wow. I've completed the first week of ASBC! A whole week spent at the end of Maxwell AFB's runway in 12 man tents. Honestly, it was a pretty good time. I think that was because of my flight: everyone get's along great. It was below freezing every night, we ate way too many MREs for one week, and the showers were tepid at best, but as long as the people are good I could do anything for a week. Here's a play by play of the week:

Monday: This was the first day of ASBC. We spent the first half sitting through commander's calls and safety briefs. They gave us an hour to get all of our stuff packed and to eat. Then we had one more field health brief before we left for the equipment line. There we received 1970's flack vest, kevlar helmets, canteens, fake M4's, -50 degree sleeping bags, and a poncho. We marched to the end of the runway and played the “name game” as a flight, which I'm horrible at. When we got there, we set up the tents, had an M4 cleaning lesson, and ate an MRE. It was cooooold that night!

Tuesday: CBRNE training! Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive. We were bussed to a building for death by powerpoint in the morning. After an hour lunch, we went to the gas chamber. Let me tell you: tear gas will mess you up!

Wednesday: IBD, Integrated Base Defense. we learned how to set up Defensive Fighting Positions, how to inspect vehicles for explosives, what to think about when defending a base, etc, etc. Lots of security forces things.

Thursday: SABC, Self Aid Buddy Care. What to do when your wingmen get jacked up in a firefight. How to call in the medevacs, all the basics of keeping airways open, splinting, using quick-clot bandages, using tourniquets ad nausea. It was a long day with a very interesting practical at the end.

Friday: SUT, Small Unit Tactics. We learned how to patrol “outside the wire.” We also did a basic land navigation course. Then we cleaned up, turned in our gear, and marched back to the UOQ.

It was not a bad week at all. It's all about how you approach it. Come with a bad attitude and you'll have a bad time. All of the instructors here are enlisted and it's the only place in the Air Force where enlisted teach officers. I think it's great!

Lastly, the Class Six here on base sells beer buy the gallon. Yes, you fill up your own milk jug of beer!